Da YuriofWind

I was on Youtube one sunny afternoon due to the fact I have no life and refuse to go outside because of wifi reasons and was on a really rad channel called YuriofWind. Yuri is a pretty rad dude because hes sarcastic as fuck and that brings me great joy but one day he wasnt! He uploaded a video called decent creepypasta story time and I began to cry Yuri made no sarcastic remakes about Tom but talked about a good creepypasta and so I soiled my pants with hyper realistic poo. After watching the video I went to his channel to bitch about one of his videos and say unsubscribed despite not doing so when it happened. Yuri's profile picture changed to a taco I said oh shit and ran to tell my mom while diarrhea dripped from my pants. My laptop floated after me with a knife while doing a endslate and I ran so super fast faster then sonic in fact. I say Tom and screamed hes gunna get me when he tripped me and wrote Sonic.exe 2 right in front of me. Tears began to roll down my face and my laptop stabbed Tom not me and I had a party when. When I woke up I was tied to a bed with my laptop talking mad smack yo (have to appeal to the younger generation) so I decked dat mofo. Hyper realistic blood splatted on me so I cried again. Im kinda a pussy in case you cant tell. I screamed cuz Yuri said he was done with bad creppypastas and gaming mystery's and instead was going to do the decent creepypasta story time and replace gaming mysters with you were fully aware of this shit obscure gaming remained but he canceled it in a second to make me a sad panda. I have no fucking idea where this story is going so Im just going to tell you about my. I had a doughnut and it was pretty good and went back to my room to sleep more but woke up and watched youtube videos all day but at like 6 i went out to olive garden and had the tour of italy (really good recommend it) and went home to write some shitty story because im bored as fuck. I suppose im going to end it by saying my laptop stabbed me while I was watching yuriofwind so theres your ending. Im going to bed now
Note: This piece of shit was made by some asshole named Jonathan Saucier and would love it if you didn't edit it. You may add tags but that's it please don't be a fucking douche. I also wrote a other assburger called Weegeeismymommy.exe what is highly inappropriate but is good in my opinion(its mine why wouldn't I think its good).